First the pants, then she comes home and gets all her homework done in 20 minutes.
*cue mysterious music*
She also voluntarily wore more pants today. I'm starting to get freaked out here folks!
Last night I was in bed at like 8:30. I was sitting here with the family and Tony was watching some dude movie. I just got so tired, I went to bed and crashed. I didn't turn the lights off or take my clothes off or anything. Jonny came in later yelling for me, and it scared the shit out of me. I ended up yelling at him, and Tony put the kids to bed. He had to clean the kitchen and everything. He did it though. Ran the dishwasher and everything.
Yesterday, like I mentioned in my last post, I am starting to learn Photoshop. My friend Christina, the all might wise one when it comes to Photoshop helped me a ton. I learned more in one day from her than I have ever gleaned from books or videos or tutorials. She really dumbed it down for me and I appreciated it so much. Like it was "Now look on you right, see that button thingy. Push it" Thank you Christina. Then I remembered Pioneer Woman had tutorials, and I hoped that with the knowledge C gave me, I might be able to understand better, and I did! I downloaded some of her actions, and tried some of her techniques. She also gives really good descriptions on how to use your camera. I can't wait to play with settings now on my new fangly camera. I've had it for months now, and it's pretty much stayed on auto mode the whole time.
So, I present to you my first official Photoshopped picture! (Those framed ones don't count!)
This is the original. It's a peacock feather, and I took it at the Portland Saturday Market. In my head I envisioned something much more decadent than what I actually got.
So with some futzing I was able to get more of what I envisioned when I first took the picture.
There you have it. Nothing drastic, but it's prettier by far, and I did it in PHOTOSHOP people. Something that I've had forever, and was too scared to use. I don't know what I did to it to be honest, as I did a bunch of different things, lost it all once, and restarted.
Woohooo! Look at you go girl. You'll be adding layer masks and s curves and all that other gobbildy-gook before too long. (Seriously, I just push the buttons. I don't actually know how to do any of it on my own. ;) )
Looks great! I have PhotoShop and not a clue as to how to use it and gave up a long time ago! There's this photo of E I want to remove the background from. Maybe I'll just send it to you and you can play with it for me since you're a genius and all. LOL
Ok. You know how to use Photoshop now. Where you be? Editing?
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